Contoh Script Deface

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<title>Hacked By Anonymous</title><link href='' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/
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<center><font face="Edwardian Script ITC" size="7" color="red"  class="a">Owned by</font><font face="Edwardian Script ITC" size="7" color="white"  class="a">Anonymous</font>
<noscript><center><font face="Nosifer" size="7" color="black"  class="a">Dual attacker ./Ghost ID Was Here</font><br></noscript>

<font face="Bodoni MT Black" color="red"><b>I'M SORRY ABOUT THIS<blink><b></font>
<font face="Bodoni MT Black" color="white"><b>please update your security !<b></font>
<font face="Bodoni MT Black" color="red"><b>No perfect system in the world </b></font>

<font face="Bauhaus 93" size="10" color="red"><b>ANON</font><font face="Bauhaus 93" size="10" color="white"><b>YMOUS<b></font></font>
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<p><marquee scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="50" width="80%">
<font color="white" face="Courier New" size="2">|Ghost ID| |IDCA| | Jagad dot Id : |Greetz| : | Penjaga gantengers | The Hermirt Cyber Army | Dmust Crew | Angel Dot Id | Xielog | dxCyberz | Tanpa Bicara | Index Php | Nikobrama | White Cyber Space | Penjaga kuburan | CorpseGhost Team | Indonesian Expendables Crew | Indonesian Security Down | IFC | Deface Zone | Indonesian Cyber Army | Habibie | Garuda Cyber Attacker |</font></marquee></font></p></td></tr>
<font color="red" face="ARIALBLACK"><marquee direction="left" loop="true" scrollamount="300"><b>__________________________________________________________________________________________

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